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Who we are?

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Happy Retailer team:

Victor Gichun

CEO & Co-Founder Started 1st business in1997, retail business. Happy Retailer is the 3d startup. 2 prior startups were successful. Computer science and economic background. Since 2003 successfully run software development business for e-commerce.

Albert Golukhov
COO & Co-founder 20 year e-commerce experience focusing on international trade, sales, logistics, business development, and new business opportunities in the international marketplace

Anton Kovetsky
CTO & Co-founder The architect of the current e-commerce platform Atilekt. Has 10 years of software & web development experience, and has completed more than 60 e-commerce projects.

Roman Purishi
Back-end developer, 10 years of software & web development experience

Maxim Maximov
Front-end developer, 3 years of front-end development experience

Andrew Bogomazov
CDO (chief designer officer), UI/UX designer, 14 years of web and graphic design experience.

Dmitry Belkin
System architect & administrator, 20 years software & web development experience and 15 years of system
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