О проекте ActivTrak.com
Мнение автора может не совпадать с мнением редакции
ActivTrak is an free cloud-based productivity monitoring service. By tracking application and web usage on your workstations, it allows you to answer the question - "Who's doing what and for how long."
What makes ActivTrak unique is its strategy of building statistics based on the caption of the active window, i.e. the titlebar. Depending on the application, the caption will contain the name of the document, the website, the subject of the email or other detailed information on the actual work being done. Thus, tracking the caption provides a highly representative picture of user activity, in terms of both topic and time.
What makes ActivTrak unique is its strategy of building statistics based on the caption of the active window, i.e. the titlebar. Depending on the application, the caption will contain the name of the document, the website, the subject of the email or other detailed information on the actual work being done. Thus, tracking the caption provides a highly representative picture of user activity, in terms of both topic and time.
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