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О проекте MSQRD

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Company history

Our company has assembled together a dream-team of leading experts in the fields of machine learning, face detection and tracking, facial expression recognition, 3D-graphics and visual effects. Due to the use of advanced proprietary mathematical algorithms developed by our mathematicians, our products deliver the level of performance, robustness and quality not seen in any other products available on the market.

Real-time video communication is quickly growing in popularity. Our company strives to make live video interaction even more attractive for both business customers and consumers by offering advanced software solutions capable of altering and/or enhancing person’s appearance in live video. Our advanced software solutions can be incorporated into videoconferencing platforms, customer service centers utilizing live video for customer interaction, as well as any other systems and services, which rely on live video feed.

A proprietary self-learning face tracking algorithm as well as a framework for creating special effects, which have been in development since 2010, are our crown jewels. During this time, we've accumulated enormous expertise in solving the problem of face detection and tracking.

The code implementing our mathematical algorithms has been so highly optimized that it achieves stellar performance on both modern mobile devices as well as on legacy ones. Our algorithms have been trained on libraries containing millions of people’s faces and continuously enhanced and optimized over the many years of development.


For general information and product inquiries, please contact hello@msqrd.me

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